26 December 2012

Why a blog

We have now been in Uganda for 8 months and for the last few months I have been thinking it would be nice to share some of my experiences as the wife of a pilot and the mom of three great children here in Uganda.  The best way to do that we have found is to blog. So I have created a blog for myself that we will link to on "The Flip Side".  I called it "In The Potter's Hands" because with every experience and lesson I go through I can feel myself being molded into the person God wants me to be. The posts here will probably not be lengthy but I hope you will be able to get an idea of how I am doing, what I am doing, and how God is working in my life as I serve Him here in Uganda.


  1. Yay!! Looking forward to hearing what's going on with you! :)

  2. Double YAY!!! I'm looking forward to it too!!!
